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Clint What's the current interest rate for personal loans? cephalexin dosage for dental infection The economy is recovering from the Great Recession and employers are hiring more workers every month. But, like most economists, I still think the economy and the job market are in a slump. The seeming contradiction arises because the term "recovery" characterizes how we've been moving in the right direction, while the term "slump" characterizes how far we remain from where we want to be. 2022-04-25 08:16:05
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Bruce What sort of music do you listen to? vermox suspension plm The latest NASDAQ OMX, which operates the Nasdaq exchanges, says there was "a six-minute outage" involving a data feed failure that was "promptly resolved." Such issues come at an inopportune time for the exchanges as the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Mary Jo White, has summoned stock exchange leaders to Washington next week to explain such outages, which she calls "serious." Keeping exchanges running, she says, is "critically important to the health of our financial system." 2022-04-25 08:16:06
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Barbera How much were you paid in your last job? can lexapro cause high blood pressure Press and pundits refer frequently to Christie as a 2016 contender, and he had a prominent spot at the 2012 Republican convention. Christie himself won't say one way or another. "I don't think anybody in America or in the state of New Jersey expects anybody three years away to tell them what they're going to do," he said last week during a debate with Buono. "Life's too long. I won't make those decisions 'til I have to." 2022-04-25 08:32:26
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Lucio Did you go to university? NHL owners had loudly complained about what they perceived as second class treatment by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and wanted some form of compensation for shutting down operations in the middle of the season and turning over their most important assets - the players. 2022-04-25 08:32:28
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Osvaldo Children with disabilities viagra voorschrift nodig The unfamiliarity and transition can help explain why the Rangers played so well in Monday’s 3-1 win in L.A. and then regressed so drastically Tuesday. But those won’t be good enough excuses if the Blueshirts slide further Thursday in Anaheim and Saturday in St. Louis, continuing to drift without direction or confidence. The players need to pick up on Vigneault’s expectations, and their new boss needs to figure out whether he must adjust his philosophy, and if so, how. 2022-04-25 09:48:18
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Abdul Will I be paid weekly or monthly? ciprofloxacino sirve para los oidos Seemingly days away from rejoining the Yankees, he complained of leg pain last weekend, and the Yankees said an MRI on Sunday showed a quadriceps strain. An outside physician, Michael Gross, said Wednesday he looked at an MRI at Rodriguez's request — it's not clear when the MRI was taken — and could not detect an injury. Gross is not on baseball's list of doctors recommended for second opinions, and he admitted he never personally examined Rodriguez. 2022-04-25 10:36:33
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Murray This site is crazy :) how long does mobic take to work The teenager, from Cramlington, Northumberland, was last seen getting into a car with Mr Ertani as she was about to return to Britain with her mother. The pair were reportedly seen by police in a local bazaar a few hours later but fled before officers could catch them, leaving behind a suitcase containing her money and passport. 2022-04-25 10:42:18
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Roderick I'll text you later hvad er medrol til hunde What happened following him to create such a ruckus ?????? A little easy to see WHEN it occured but we just never knew they was continuing to spend enormous amounts on monitoring our telecommunications illegally regardless of terrorism concerns, just cause, etc. The media reports as of lately are even more interesting with Bush and Obama in pictures together and both defending each other like two guilty dogs. 2022-04-25 11:29:02
Ronny A few months bula bissulfato de clopidogrel 75 mg The contamination announced earlier this month has led to product recalls in countries from China to Saudi Arabia. Fonterra, the world's largest dairy exporter, has come under attack at home and abroad for dragging its feet in disclosing the discovery of the bacteria. 2022-04-25 11:29:03
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Antony I'd like to pay this cheque in, please ivermectin latest news philippines This was back when I had hair. It had just begun to recede slightly, but I was barely aware of it then. In 1994 I dated a woman who loved shaved heads and I shaved it for her. When we broke up a year and a half later I let it grow, and it was only then I realised that while we&rsquo;d been dating my hair had receded to the point that I was functionally bald. As all of the bald men in my family say, baldness is just a sign of extra testosterone. I don&rsquo;t know if that&rsquo;s true or not. 2022-04-25 11:29:05
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Aubrey Photography ivermectina 0.6 posologia Weiner said that any of the players that get suspended as a result of the Biogenesis investigation might not serve a ban until late this season or in 2014, should they appeal. That appears to make the significance of this rehab assignment far greater; if the investigation proves not to be a roadblock for his return — and if Rodriguez can get himself big-league ready — he could be an important addition to a lineup badly in need of a boost. 2022-04-25 12:35:50
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Barney Would you like a receipt? does ashwagandha increase serotonin All three hostages were employees at the Tensas State Bank, Paxton said. Their identities have not been released. It's unclear whether the suspect, whom police described as paranoid schizophrenic, had any connection to the bank or the hostages. 2022-04-30 15:04:10
Bailey I'd like to transfer some money to this account finasteride bestellen This referred to reports that Labour is considering whether basic social needs could be covered by human rights law – combining two Tory anathemas in one: welfare and legally underpinned human rights. But more telling was the snobbish choice of  Blackpool, which Stuart clearly still believes is the resort favoured by his opponents, while Tories loll in Tuscany, Provence or the Dordogne. 2022-04-30 15:04:11
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Lauren I've been made redundant valor del meloxicam en chile It is a competitive field, and there have been setbacks for some. Vertex said in July that the FDA had placed a partial hold on a mid-stage study of its experimental hepatitis C nuke. Bristol-Myers Squibb last year discontinued development of one of its experimental drugs after a patient died of heart failure during a clinical trial and several others were hospitalized. 2022-04-30 23:44:58
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Aurelio Have you read any good books lately? atarax lek bez recepty For Cutcliffe, Manning’s injury presented a unique quandary. Typically, he used the neck as a demarcation line. Quarterbacks needed to be tutored above the neck for the mental part and trained below the neck for the physical aspect of the position. Cutcliffe reviewed tape of Manning throwing early in rehabilitation and recognized Manning dragging his arm. He called Manning to tell him to stop throwing. He was going to hurt himself. The lowest point Cutcliffe witnessed during the process was on the drives from Cutcliffe’s house to Duke. Manning questioned himself, “Should I be doing this?” 2022-05-01 00:42:29
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Alonzo Pleased to meet you vad kostar viagra p apoteket i sverige The case revolves around sometimes murky evidence, including disagreements among witnesses over whose voice - Martin's or Zimmerman's - can be heard in the background of a 911 emergency call on the night Zimmerman shot Martin. 2022-05-01 05:27:54
Emerson Looking for a job sandoz quetiapine xrt 50mg The chief executive of one company that says it is in themedical marijuana business spent nine years in prison foroperating one of the largest drug smuggling operations in U.S.history, while the former head of another marijuana-relatedcompany was recently indicted for his role in a mortgage-basedPonzi scheme, the watchdog said. FINRA did not name thecompanies or the individual. 2022-05-01 05:48:49
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Nolan I work for myself buy tadalis sx baikal-pharmacy com You can put a price on pasta dishes, however, and £10.50 for a measly starter portion of pappardelle with a wild boar ragu seemed a liberty. That said, the pasta was barely overcooked and the sauce only mildly oversalted, while spaghetti with cherry tomatoes, basil, garlic and anchovies made a similarly audacious stab at competence. &ldquo;It&rsquo;s a relief,&rdquo; said a friend still traumatised by the antipasti, &ldquo;that it does what it says on the tin.&rdquo; 2022-05-01 07:04:52
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Stacy We used to work together risperidone interactions with melatonin The Fed has been buying $85 billion in treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities with the aim of keeping interest rates low to goose the economy, a program it first announced back in Sept. 2012. The Fed had put no date on when the program would end, but Chairman Ben Bernanke signaled in June that the Fed would begin trimming back its purchases depending on improving economic data. The unemployment rate has been slowly declining, while the housing market has been steadily recovering. 2022-05-01 08:06:28
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Ulysses The line's engaged ivermectin how to make In May 2012 the Government announced they would be giving local authorities score cards which rated their performance on adoption. Two months earlier, the Coalition published its Action Plan for Adoption, which included the demand that local authorities were much faster at putting children on the register. Some 63 per cent of those adopted were aged between one and four years, up from 62 per cent in 2011. The percentage of children adopted who were born outside marriage has also increased from 82 per cent in 2011 to 85 per cent last year. 2022-05-05 10:02:01
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Infest I'll put her on voltaren fitil fiyat 2020 The Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce, in South Carolina, has paid the Rhoads Group $190,000 since 2006 to help ensure “East Coast basing of F-35 mission.” In December 2010, the Pentagon announced its decision to base five F-35 squadrons at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort. Senator Lindsey Graham, a beneficiary of Lockheed campaign contributions, issued a statement that said, “Christmas came early this year.” 2022-05-05 11:24:55
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Jimmy Thanks for calling domperidone sr The opening of Hyundai and Kia assembly plants in the United States may seem like a benefit to the U.S. economy. But taxpayers covered much of the cost. And the value-added work in cars comes less from assembly than from making precision high-strength steel parts, especially in the drive train. To the extent that parts are made in South Korea and shipped to the United States for assembly, the added economic value tends to remain overseas. 2022-05-21 11:18:33
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George There's a three month trial period toradol injection 60 mg cpt code Increasingly, disagreements that end in bloodshed have their origins online. The Chicago police department, which now patrols social media along with the streets, estimates that an astonishing 80 percent of all school disturbances result from online exchanges. At one point on Morgan Street, a 15-year-old joins us at the stone table. He calls himself Boss Nick, and he says he regularly posts pictures to Instagram of himself with guns. He doesn&#8217;t care if the police or his teachers or really anyone sees it. He feels he has to let rivals know he is out there &#8220;with these poles.&#8221; Boss Nick had been friends with Shondale Gregory, known as Tooka, a 15-year-old killed in 2011. Gregory was shot in the head, and rivals soon posted pictures of his corpse to Facebook, doctoring the image with horns and splattered brains. The Chicago p.. 2022-05-29 17:02:22
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Reyes I'd like to withdraw $100, please para que serve a ciprofloxacina HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — Vo Nguyen Giap, the brilliant and ruthless self-taught general who drove the French out of Vietnam to free it from colonial rule and later forced the Americans to abandon their grueling effort to save the country from communism, has died. At age 102, he was the last of Vietnam's old-guard revolutionaries. 2022-05-29 19:23:28
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Leigh I'm only getting an answering machine betrouwbaar At least two rebel brigades claimed to have hit Assad's motorcade on its way to a mosque, but this appeared to be untrue. Two opposition figures said the route was hit but not the convoy itself. State TV broadcast images of Assad praying at the mosque. 2022-06-05 01:19:00
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This is about much more than terrorist violence. The state in Libya, which Colonel Gaddafi eviscerated for his own despotic ends, is now being consumed by the same rebel groups that brought it into life back in 2011. Performing the most basic tasks of administration, such as making arrests or monitoring borders, can require a negotiation between the government and whichever militias happen to have accumulated enough guns in that particular area. It&rsquo;s not just that the enfeebled police and army won&rsquo;t take them on for fear of losing. It&rsquo;s also that the state has decided to outsource these functions to its tormentors. Both the prime minister&rsquo;s kidnapping and the attack in Benghazi were perpetrated by groups that have worked with the government and its ministries.
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Two years after a war backed by the West ousted MuammarGaddafi, Libya is still fragile, its government weak and itsarmy unable to control vast tracts of territory, where rivalmilitias battle over a share of the country's spoils.
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Two more iPhone fans, boyfriend and girlfriend, joined him at 6 p.m. on Thursday. By 10 p.m., about 20 of the Apple faithful had gathered on the sidewalk in the Georgetown neighborhood, with sleeping bags, protein bars and iPads to keep them ready through the night for the latest creation from Apple. When the store opened at 8 a.m. on Friday, more than 200 people were waiting excitedly in a line that stretched around the block. The crowd included students in hoodies and businesspeople in suits.
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Snowden’s sit-down with The Guardian newspaper was recorded June 6 in Hong Kong. Soon after going public about his decision to leak the trove of documents Snowden would flee Hong Kong for Moscow. He’s been stuck in the international wing of Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport since June 23. He faces charges of theft and two charges brought under the 1917 Espionage Act.
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Is 2013 the year that August never arrived? So far, yes. It&#x2019;s been great for tennis players, fans in the bleachers and homeowners growing green lawns. Not so great for swimmers and people who have been waiting a month for tomatoes to ripen. In general, the first two weeks have been more like September.
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A militant Islamist group active in the lawless Sinai Peninsula threatened new attacks on the army and police. In a statement published on a jihadist website, the Salafi Jihadi group condemned security forces for what it called the "heinous crime" of killing Brotherhood supporters.
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The first Pirelli Calendar was published in 1964, shot by Robert Freeman in Majorca. Last year’s was photographed by Steve McCurry in Rio de Janeiro. The brand hasn't said who will photograph this year's.
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Sean We're at university together exelon cerotto prezzo Mayer and Perry, 28, have had their dance with breakups and reconciliations but seem to be going strong again. In fact, the couple released a duet “Who You Love” Tuesday. The song is off Mayer’s “Paradise Valley” album, which debuts Aug. 20 and ironically, like Perry’s track, it was leaked early. 2022-06-27 04:05:39
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Nestor Looking for a job allopurinol apakah obat asam urat So it should come as a surprise to no one at this point that Americans &ndash; and that includes Republicans &ndash; aren't wild about this prospect of a shutdown showdown. According to the new poll, 63 percent of adults surveyed want the government to keep running while the Obamacare issue gets settled separately, while only 27 percent want to see the government shut down rather than have Obamacare funded. That's better than a 2-1 margin, and it's a fairly durable result across the poll's subgroups: Men oppose the shutdown strategy by 58-34 while women oppose it 68-21; whites oppose it 59-33 while blacks oppose it 80-8; Democrats oppose it 78-13 while independents are at 61-30. Even Republicans oppose the Cruz strategy 51-42. 2022-06-28 10:33:36
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Jonah Have you read any good books lately? meloxicam interactions with gabapentin The magnitude of those fiscal challenges - which require the city to cut services or benefits - could sit uncomfortably with de Blasio's liberal beliefs, or force Lhota to make concessions with labor unions that would make other Republicans shudder. 2022-06-28 10:59:54
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WilliamMom ,,b,V,U,Z,d,],`,^,R,Q,b,U,Y,`,],`,d,`,`,c,_,`,S,_,m,V,f,e,_,,h,Z,Z,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,q,S,],q,V,d,c,q,^,Z,_,e,d,,b,V,U,Z,d,,`,b,b,V,c,a,`,_,U,V,_,d,c,,Z,[,c,i,V,d,g,`,e,^,,b,V,U,Z,d,R,Q,_,,Q,b,Q,[,f,f,Q,[,Y,V,_,R,Q,_,,S,`,],`,T,U,Q,,b,V,U,Z,d,,b,V,U,Z,d,d,V,g,_,Z,,Q,S,,b,Q,c,_,`,q,b,c,,V,,b,V,U,Z,d,a,V,_,c,Z,`,_,_,m,[,e,R,b,Z,b,,b,V,U,Z,d,m,R,V,],Q,b,e,c,R,Q,_,,Q,_,Q,a,`,,e,a,,e,,S,Q,b,d,Z,b,m,,b,V,U,Z,d,a,`,U,Y,Q,],`,T,_,`,S,T,`,b,`,U,d,Z,_,n,,`,f,f,b,V,f,Z,_,Q,_,c,Z,b,`,S,Q,_,Z,V,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,,Q,b,d,`,[,g,`,e,^,,b,V,U,Z,d,,e,_,T,e,b,R,Q,_,,b,V,_,`,,b,V,U,Z,d,`,d,Y,m,S,m,,],Z,V,_,d,`,S,,b,V,U,Z,d,`,_,],Q,[,_,Y,Q,q,S,,Q,b,V,f,Z,_,Q,_,c,Z,b,`,S,Q,_,Z,V,a,`,,b,V,U,Z,d,e,c,R,V,b,R,Q,_,,,b,V,U,Z,d,S,e,b,Q,],c,Z,R,R,V,Y,a,`,b,e,i,Z,d,V,],V,[ 2022-08-07 03:38:37
WilliamMom ,d,S,U,],q,^,d,c,,b,V,U,Z,d,a,],V,[,c,d,V,[,j,V,_,S,,b,V,U,Z,d,`,_,],Q,[,_,`,R,e,i,V,_,Z,V,,b,V,U,Z,d,,Q,Y,Q,g,c,d,Q,_,a,c,R,,b,V,U,Z,d,U,],q,R,Z,Y,_,V,c,Q,,e,a,],p,c,,e,d,V,b,_,Q,,b,V,U,Z,d,,Q,],n,,e,],q,d,`,b,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,_,Q,b,`,U,_,m,[,],Z,a,V,h,,Y,Q,q,S,,Q,_,Q,,b,V,U,Z,d,,Q,,c,i,Z,d,Q,V,d,c,q,,b,V,U,Z,d,_,Q,Q,S,d,`,,b,V,U,Z,d,c,i,V,d,Q,a,`,,Q,Y,m,S,Q,V,d,b,V,f,Z,_,Q,_,c,Z,b,`,S,Q,_,Z,V,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,`,d,,b,m,d,Z,V,,Q,],n,,e,],q,d,`,b,,b,V,U,Z,d,^,Q,,c,Z,^,Q,],n,_,Q,q,,b,V,U,Z,d,e,,b,Q,Z,_,Q,Q,_,T,],Z,q,,b,V,U,Z,d,S,Y,q,d,n,a,b,Q,S,`,_,Q,c,],V,U,`,S,Q,_,Z,q,,b,V,U,Z,d,m,,b,V,U,Z,d,c,b,`,i,_,`,S,b,`,c,d,`,S,V 2022-08-07 16:02:31
WilliamMom ,,Q,,Q,q,c,d,Q,S,,Q,,b,V,U,Z,d,c,R,V,b,R,Q,_,,a,b,`,U,Q,X,^,Q,j,Z,_,,b,V,U,Z,d,c,a,`,c,`,R,m,S,`,Y,S,b,Q,d,Q,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,g,`,e,^,,b,V,U,Z,d,R,Q,_,,g,Z,^,,Z,Q,U,b,V,c,Q,,`,T,U,Q,],e,i,j,V,U,`,c,b,`,i,_,`,a,`,T,Q,j,Q,d,n,,b,V,U,Z,d,,b,V,U,Z,d,_,Q,],Z,i,_,m,^,Z,Y,Q,,`,^,Z,c,c,Z,p,d,e,],Q,d,Q,[,^,,b,V,U,Z,d,g,`,e,^,,b,V,U,Z,d,^,V,d,b,`,R,V,],q,V,S,`,Q,d,f,,b,V,U,Z,d,S,Q,],^,Q,d,m,T,Q,Y,a,b,`,^,R,Q,_,,_,Z,X,_,Z,[,d,Q,T,Z,],,b,V,U,Z,d,_,Q,],Z,i,_,m,^,Z,b,V,[,d,Z,_,T,c,V,T,`,U,_,q,g,`,e,^,,b,V,U,Z,d,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,b,^,q,_,V,a,V,b,S,Q,q,^,e,b,^,Q,_,c,,`,V,`,R,k,V,c,d,S,`,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,,b,V,U,Z,d,_,Q,a,b,V,U,`,c,d,Q,S,],V,_,Z,V,Y,Q,[,^,Q,,b,V,U,Z,d,_,Q,,Q,b,d,`,i,,Z 2022-08-07 18:48:37
WilliamMom ,R,Q,_,,S,`,c,d,`,i,_,m,[,,b,V,U,Z,d,m,a,V,_,c,Z,`,_,V,b,Q,^,e,c,],`,S,Z,q,a,b,`,S,V,b,Z,d,n,,b,V,U,Z,d,b,V,_,V,c,c,Q,_,c,],Q,[,d,_,V,d,,b,V,U,Z,d,q,_,U,V,,c,U,V,_,n,T,Z,`,f,`,b,^,Z,d,n,,b,V,U,Z,d,`,f,`,b,^,Z,d,n,,b,V,U,Z,d,,e,R,Q,_,n,,b,V,U,Z,d,`,_,],Q,[,_,S,d,R,,b,V,U,Z,d,S,R,Q,_,,`,^,Q,d,V,,b,V,U,Z,d,m,a,b,V,U,`,c,d,Q,S,],q,V,^,m,V,S,c,R,V,b,R,Q,_,,V,,Q,,a,b,`,Z,c,g,`,U,Z,d,`,f,`,b,^,],V,_,Z,V,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,`,_,],Q,[,_,,Q,],n,,e,],q,d,`,b,R,Q,_,,`,S,c,,`,T,`,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,`,_,],Q,[,_,,Q,],n,,e,],q,d,`,b,U,V,_,n,T,Z,,b,V,U,Z,d,R,Q,_,,Z,_,`,S,m,V,,b,V,U,Z,d,,b,V,U,Z,d,_,Q,],Z,i,_,m,^,Z,S,^,e,b,^,Q,_,c,,V,c,R,V,b,R,Q,_,,,b,V,U,Z,d,`,S,S,e,],n,q,_,`,S,c,,V,R,Q,_,,S,d,R,S,V,],Z,,Z,V,],e,,Z,,b,V,U,Z,d,b,Q,c,i,V,d,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,_,Q,d,V,],V,f,`,_ 2022-08-08 06:41:30
WilliamMom ,b,V,Q,],,b,V,U,Z,d,R,Q,_,,c,Q,[,d,Y,S,`,_,`,,Z,Y,h,V,_,d,b,`,R,Q,_,,Q,`,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,g,,b,V,U,Z,d,_,Q,],Z,i,_,m,^,Z,Q,],d,m,_,R,Q,_,,b,Q,c,i,V,d,_,m,[,,Q,],n,,e,],q,d,`,b,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,S,d,R,,b,V,U,Z,d,S,b,e,R,h,`,S,c,,V,,b,V,U,Z,d,S,^,,R,b,V,f,Z,_,Q,_,c,Z,b,`,S,Q,_,Z,V,R,Q,_,,Z,a,c,,`,S,Q,a,b,`,h,V,_,d,m,,b,V,U,Z,d,R,Q,_,,Z,`,_,],Q,[,_,,b,V,U,Z,d,c,a,R,,Q,],n,,e,],q,d,`,b,a,`,d,b,V,R,Z,d,V,],n,c,,Z,g,,b,V,U,Z,d,`,S,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,f,`,b,e,^,,d,`,R,b,Q,],,b,V,U,Z,d,m,_,Q,Q,S,d,`,^,`,R,Z,],n,c,a,R,b,e,c,f,Z,_,Q,_,c,a,`,d,b,V,R,Z,d,V,],n,c,,Z,[,,b,V,U,Z,d,,Q,],n,,e,],q,d,`,b,,b,V,U,Z,d,U,V,a,`,Y,Z,d,Z,a,`,d,V,,Q,R,Q,_,,Z,,b,V,U,Z,d,m,S,,],Q,U,m,a,`,d,b,V,R,Z,d,V,],n,c,,Z,[,,b,V,U,Z,d,R,d,Q,R,Q,_, 2022-08-08 09:30:12
WilliamMom ,S,Y,q,d,n,,b,V,U,Z,d,b,`,c,c,V,],n,g,`,Y,R,Q,_,,,Q,],n,,e,],q,d,`,b,c,d,Q,S,,Q,a,`,,b,V,U,Z,d,e,_,Q,X,Z,],n,V,R,Q,_,,Z,a,`,d,b,V,R,Z,d,V,],n,c,,Z,V,,b,V,U,Z,d,m,Q,R,Q,,Q,_,`,_,],Q,[,_,,b,V,U,Z,d,a,`,T,Q,c,Z,d,n,,b,V,U,Z,d,a,`,,Q,b,d,V,c,R,V,b,R,Q,_,,Q,Q,S,d,`,S,Q,Y,e,,b,V,U,Z,d,,b,V,U,Z,d,S,S,d,R,S,`,^,c,,V,S,Y,q,],c,`,],q,b,Z,c,S,,b,V,U,Z,d,c,`,U,V,b,X,Q,_,Z,V,a,b,Z,_,h,Z,a,`,S,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,Q,S,d,`,T,b,Q,_,d,Q,,e,a,Z,d,n,S,,b,V,U,Z,d,,b,V,U,Z,d,m,_,Q,,S,Q,b,d,Z,b,e,S,,Q,Y,Q,g,c,d,Q,_,V,`,a,],Q,d,Z,d,n,,b,V,U,Z,d,g,`,e,^,R,Q,_,,`,_,],Q,[,_,i,Q,c,d,_,m,V,,b,V,U,Z,d,m,c,d,Q,S,b,`,a,`,],n,h,V,_,d,b,Q,],n,_,m,[,R,Q,_,,,b,V,U,Z,d,f,Z,Y,Z,i,V,c,,Z,^,],Z,h,Q,^,a,`,^,`,k,n,a,`,],e,i,V,_,Z,Z,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,`,^,c, 2022-08-08 21:17:32
WilliamMom ,,b,V,U,Z,d,_,Q,a,b,Z,`,R,b,V,d,V,_,Z,q,Y,V,^,V,],n,_,`,T,`,e,i,Q,c,d,,Q,,Q,,`,[,a,b,`,h,V,_,d,g,`,e,^,,b,V,U,Z,d,c,R,V,b,R,Q,_,,,b,V,U,Z,d,Z,^,V,q,,Q,b,d,e,c,R,V,b,R,Q,_,,Q,Z,a,`,d,V,i,_,m,V,,b,V,U,Z,d,m,U,V,],n,d,Q,T,U,V,e,Y,_,Q,d,n,U,`,],T,Z,Y,Q,,b,V,U,Z,d,h,V,_,d,b,,b,V,U,Z,d,d,V,],V,f,`,_,c,V,^,V,[,c,R,V,b,R,Q,_,,,b,V,U,Z,d,,Q,],n,,e,],q,d,`,b,c,a,R,X,c,c,R,,b,V,U,Z,d,_,Q,b,V,^,`,_,d,,Q,,a,`,T,Q,c,Z,d,n,a,b,`,c,b,`,i,,Z,a,`,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,^,o,f,f,V,,d,Z,S,_,`,c,d,n,Z,c,a,`,],n,Y,`,S,Q,_,Z,q,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,`,h,V,_,,Q,S,Y,q,d,n,,b,V,U,Z,d,b,e,R,],V,[,,b,V,U,Z,d,a,`,U,Y,Q,],`,T,,b,V,U,Z,d,i,V,b,V,Y,U,b,`,^,`,d,Y,m,S,m,,`,_,d,Q,,d,,b,V,U,Z,d,R,Q,_,,a,`,d,b,V,R,Z,d,V,],n,c,,Z,[,,b,V,U,Z,d 2022-08-09 00:47:24
WilliamMom ,,],p,i,V,S,Q,q,c,d,Q,S,,Q,,b,V,U,Z,d,m,c,Q,b,Q,d,`,S,a,`,^,`,k,n,S,a,`,],e,i,V,_,Z,Z,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,,b,V,U,Z,d,`,S,V,b,_,Q,[,d,o,d,`,c,e,k,V,c,d,S,V,_,_,m,V,e,c,],`,S,Z,q,,`,^,^,V,b,i,V,c,,`,T,`,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,S,Y,q,d,n,,b,V,U,Z,d,Z,a,R,V,Y,Y,Q,],`,T,Q,_,V,`,a,],Q,d,Z,],c,d,b,Q,g,`,S,,e,a,`,,b,V,U,Z,d,e,i,V,^,`,d,],Z,i,Q,p,d,c,q,,b,V,U,Z,d,`,d,Z,a,`,d,V,,Z,a,`,d,b,V,R,Z,d,V,],n,c,,Z,[,,b,V,U,Z,d,a,`,^,`,k,n,,S,Q,b,d,`,c,Q,S,d,`,,b,V,U,Z,d,`,d,R,b,`,,V,b,Q,R,Q,_,,Z,U,],q,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,S,`,V,_,_,m,^,,b,V,U,Z,d,o,d,`,i,d,`,Q,S,d,`,^,`,R,Z,],n,S,,b,V,U,Z,d,Q,b,g,Q,_,T,V,],n,c,,a,`,d,b,V,R,Z,d,V,],n,c,,Z,[,,b,V,U,Z,d,U,V,R,Z,d,,b,V,U,Z,d,a,b,`,S,`,U,,Q,R,Q,_,,Z,b,b,e,,b,V,U,Z,d,m 2022-08-09 16:10:49
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